Reaggregating a Body, was commissioned by Cara-Ann Simpson for her exhibition catalogue ‘Furari Flores’ (Stealing Flowers), a multi-sensory arts experience exploring the wonder of plants, including essays by Dr Louise Martin-Chew, Dr Prudence Gibson, and A/Prof Kyle Jenkins. ‘Furari Flores’ exhibition took place at University Southern Queensland Gallery, January 2024.

Print catalogue available at (ebook forthcoming).

Audio book available on Soundcloud

‘Furari Flores’ immerses me in a strange, sometimes surreal bushland. Glinting light and leaf and rock are expanded, compacted, and re-arranged into a dense series of beautiful aesthetic forms. This body of work by Cara-Ann Simpson goes beyond the exquisite rendering of contemporary landscape recognized by her 2022 Heysen Prize. It follows the remembrance of a deeply personal trajectory from illness to recovery, entwined with landscapes and the native, endemic, and invasive species that have surrounded her. With this in mind, ‘Furari Flores’ forms an alliance with Ross Gibson’s Memoryscopes, distilled in his description of remembrance as putting a ‘disaggregated’ body back together.

Cat Jones, Reaggregating a Body, ‘Furari Flores’ , Cara-Ann Simpson, 2024, ISBN 978-0-6459420-0-2